Monday, June 9, 2008


We are still hanging in there. Our appointment on Friday went well but my blood pressure was a little high so I monitored it over the weekend and returned again to see the doctor this morning and although the numbers are still high, all else looks good so we'll go back again on Friday to see if any progress has been made and make sure everything else is stable. She (our doctor) did say that she won't let me go more than a few days past the 18th if Georgia doesn't come before then so I feel better knowing that by next weekend (the 20/21st) things will get going.

Nevertheless, I'm in good spirits...just ready to meet my baby girl :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In His time. How is Daddy holding up? I think about you always and if it were possible, I would think about you more than that. You have been a blessing to me through all of this and, for what it is worth, I am so proud of you.

In Auburn...For this child I am praying...

I love you...all three of you...
