georgia is an accessories girl. i used to could say that she got it honest. i loved me some bangles and chandelier earrings. now i wear one of two things. diamond or pearl studs. that's it. you
may catch me with a few random bracelets now and then, but not likely. and i guess headbands aren't really an accessory, but they kinda are for this post. and
georgia loves them. these little small ones are her favorite.

there is one problem though...those little teeth on the inside don't exactly get along well with curly hair. tight curls i might add. on the other hand, they are exactly what she needs when her aim isn't so good. like here...

this is how she positions her accessory of choice most days. and those teeth just find a curl to get stuck in until she decides to take it off. then it really becomes a problem...

headband with teeth + tight curly hair = problem.
the funny thing is she just rips it out. fusses for a minute. then puts it back in.

and sometime her aim isn't all that bad like here. she got that on herself. pretty good eh?!
and then we digress...

we were about to get out of the car to visit the library. she had full intention of wearing her headband in. she put it on before we left the house and this was when i was getting her out of the car.
don't you love that look in her eyes like..."what's the problem here?"
no problem big girl. no problem at all. and off we went inside. crooked headband and all.
*edited to add...okay so maybe you've noticed that i not a stickler about matching pj's. nor do i really mind if they are out of the santa pj's she is wearing on her birthday. these tops having matching bottoms i'm sure. but they weren't on the top of the pile. and that's what gets grabbed each night. just so you know :)
I am cracking up at this! As I was looking at this I was laughing because I siad to myself that you love to put that baby in some nonmatching pj's! You know me and my organized, OCD self has been noticing this! I was going to joke with you about it and then I saw your note at the bottom and cracked up! Do I need to come there and organize you girl? Put that baby in some matching, in season pj's! I love how you are so carefree! I wish I could be more like that!
I love the headband thing! That is so cute that she likes that! Only you would let her go in the library without it being on her head right too! So funny! Hope you guys are doing good! I also find it amusing that you are not an accessory girl anymore! Boy, what getting older can do to you!! Love you and have a good day!!
That is too cute and funny! She is going to have the prettiest hair of head...ever! I adore those beautiful curls...although not always easy to tame.
Mally's can be CRAZY when she wakes in the am!
love this - love y'all ~DeAnn
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