want to take a look back at the last year. good. me too. here ya go:

remember me talking about a giveaway. okay so here's the deal. i'm not going to post again until sunday when i announce the winner. so all of you have 3 whole days to leave a comment with a birthday wish for georgia {i will print them out for her book}. that is how you enter. just leave a comment for the birthday girl between now and sunday. i'll use a random generator to pick the winner. and oh how happy they will be. here's what the goods are:

1. Hollywood Baby Perfect Tote with your initial.
2. Personalized stationery
3. $15 Starbucks card
4. FREE Baby Clothes Quilt from Ticche & Bea {like the one I got. yes, free. }
So how's that for a birthday giveaway. And even if you don't care a thing about those things, surely you still want to send your birthday wishes to g. marie. :)
i've overspent my time here. gotta run. love from all of us her in birthday land.
it's going to be a good day.
Happy 1st Birthday Georgia. We hope you have a fun filled, wonderful day....you are special to us!
We love you-
Jason, Alicia, Anslee, and Aubree
Happy 1st Birthday, Georgia!! Dig into that cake sweet girl!!
The Ford Family
Happy Birthday to you Georgia! I don't know you personally I just read your moms blog but you are adorable. I hope you have a great day and mom post those cute pictures of her digging into the cake!
Happy Birthday sweet Georgia!! I have watched you grow up over the last year through your mommy's blog. I hope you have a wonderful birthday full of excitment.
Love, Meredith Davis
Happy Birthday Day G Marie. Eat a bunch of birthday cake and make a big girl mess...cake is better that way. We continue to love you from Auburn.
Cindy in Auburn
Happy 1st Birthday, Georgia! The last year has been full of changes for you and your mommy and daddy and there will no doubt be many more next year! I have not seen you in person since the day after you were born, but I have seen you grow on your mommy's blog! I talk to your mommy on the phone as much as I can just to see how you are doing!
I do not think I can tell you how precious you are to your parents! You have been a wonderful blessing to them over the past year and as you grow, so will their love for you! I have so enjoyed reading about your life on your mommy's blog and listening to your mommy and Cissy tell me stories about what you are doing. You are absolutely adorable and I hope you know the joy you bring to their lives!
I hope that the next year of your life is as exciting for you and your family as the first one has been. I pray for you everyday that God watches over you and guides you and protects you! I hope that one day I have the opportunity to share with you how special your mommy is to me and how much I love my friendship with her! Georgia, you are one lucky girl to be the daughter of two amazing people who love you more than anything in this world!
Have a fun day and birthday weekend! Always remember that you are loved by so many people!
Love, Kelly Downer :)
Awww. So precious...Happy 1st Birthday!!!(:
Happy Birthday Sweet Georgia! Your library family loves you too.
happy birthday baby g!
i hope that you have a wonderful and get super spoiled! ;)
eat lots and lots of cake...i hear that's the best part!
tell mommy and daddy i said hey and they better give you whatever you want!
i love you all!
halie :)
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, sweet Georgia,
Happy birthday to you!
Love from SC,
Carey Fortner
Georgia Marie,
We hope you are having a wonderful day. It has been a great year getting to see you get so BIG (your favorite word)and blossom into such a sweet little girl who doesn't meet a stranger. You have a "HEY" for everyone.
We can't wait to see you dig into your cake on Saturday. Lots of love and wishes for many, many more!!
Happy Birthday Georgia! You are a precious little girl with a VERY special Mommy and Daddy who love you SO much! Enjoy your special day!!
Jim, Deena, and Blakely
Pretty Girl, are you really 1 year old today?? Have a wonderful Birthday, and tell Mommy to take lots of pictures! You are a blessed baby Georgia Marie!!
Happy Birthday, Georgia!
May all of your days be filled with books and blessings. Enjoy ever moment, we will be enjoying them with you.
Mrs. Minde, Aerin and Will
G Marie,
By the time you read this years will have passed in your life. To your parents...it will seem as though merely just a few days have passed. Our wish for you is for you to enjoy your youth, your parents, your family, oreos, sticking cake between your fingers and God's sweet blessing on your life.
Each week that we read your mother's thought out words describing you, we are reminded of our daily mission to our children. Actually, our minute to minute mission to all children. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
We have enjoyed watching you grow over this past year. Even though we are in Colorado, it seems as if you are right next door. What a blessing our good God gives to us.
Happy 1st Birthday from 1300 miles away. Love, Jamie, Heather, Avery and Abbey Heath
Georgia is such a blessing to those around her. May God continue to use her to grow His kingdom.Happy first Birthday, Georgia
Love, Debbie Lange
Happy Birthday, Georgia! I can't believe you are one year old! Such a big girl now!!!!
Mrs. Jennifer
Happy 1ST Birthday Georgia. I work in the Pharmacy at UAB & have been watching you grow since your Aunt Kristie announced your birth. Although I've never met your parents I know that you are blessed to have them both. You are surrounded by family and friends that love you very much.
I can't wait to see your smash cake pics.
Dear GiGi,
We love you so much. We only got to "officially" play you one time, but WOW, were you sssooo cute! It may have looked like we were so busy that we didn't notice, but out little sissy, Elle, says you sure are a cute little gal!
We want to tell you something our mommie always tells us: Jesus loves you SO much!
Have a wonderful, happy 1st birthday!! Please eat lots and lots of cake, and do it FAST!!! If your mom is like ours, this will be the only day of your life that she let you get away with 10 lbs of cake! Take our advice, SHOVE IT IN!
Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday dear Georgia...Happy Birthday to you...and many more!!!!!
Love, Maggie's Daddy
Happy Birthday Georgia Marie! You are such a blessing to our family and I can't wait to see blossom into a little lady. Your aunt Kristie loves you dearly!
Happy 1st Birtday baby girl!!!
Georgia Georgia you're so fun,
you're so fun for everyone!
Your Momma is so loving
and your Daddy is so kind,
your the kinda friend that's hard to find.
We've had many fun times
at my house and at yours,
you're so silly, you're so sweet
I'm glad I get to see you every week!
Love you, Sarah Avery Lange
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