georgia starts mother's day out next week {which is a whole '
nother blog post} and one of the things mentioned in the policy book is that all children must feed themselves. so all food needs to be cut/sliced or able to be handled by child with minimal messes. so i decided to start working on letting
georgia feed herself with a spoon...
do you think this falls under the minimal mess category? i was hoping to send yogurt.
What about kellog's yogos? Plenty of kids at our preschool bring them for lunch bunch.
I figured I'd come out of lurking. Hope y'all are doing well!
Laura Olds
You may want to stick with dry foods for a while - ha!
What seems to be the problem?
Better choice than spaghetti!
I love this!!! she is just to cute! Heather you are such a blessing to your family!! yes I'm your family. Hope to see ya soon
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