Friday, November 13, 2009

pics from chief and cissy's house

we had to make an impromptu trip to auburn last night for a funeral today. georgia was just here last weekend for auburn homecoming with her cousins. harold and i stayed home so when we got here last night my mom {cissy} decided to show me some pictures from their weekend.

georgia is close to talking in sentences and boy am i glad. until then, i'll depend on pictures to tell the whole story...

trying to pretend that my sweet baby child does not have a WHOLE hotdog in her hand that obviously she is enjoying. i'm not sure what is more bothersome...the ingredients or the hazard.

(obviously the hazard is more bothersome and obviously cissy doesn't remember that hotdogs are NOT recommended for toddlers because of the choking hazard and obviously i'm over-reacting because she has raised many of fine children in her days...but i'm just sayin'}

and on a lighter note...

i keep telling her that she is the bride of Christ ( Revelation 19:7-9) hopefully she'll be content with that since harold and i plan on keeping her at home with us until she is 43 and then she might have dating privledges.
hope you have a good one. be back soon.


DeDeandMatt said...

ALL I can say is "no".. "no" ... heheheheheeeee

Anonymous said...

Yea for Cissy and for hotdogs! Surely one every now and then is okay...Surely! Love to all three of you!


Kelly said...

I am so glad I got to see you guys this visit and see that adorable, sweet, beautiful baby girl of yours! She is just perfect! You crack me up and you do have to remember your mom raised you guys just fine. Although that does not make it easier when you know what can happen! Hope you are having a good week and please give Georgia a kiss from me!

XOXO, Kelly:)