Sunday, December 20, 2009

T minus 3 day and counting...

3 more days to go. lots of good stuff going on around here. and besides some of the traditions our family has prayerfully decided upon, one of the things i am most looking forward to this week is preparing the famous julia child's beef bourguignon recipe for our family christmas eve. i'll be sure to fill you in after it's all over.

and speaking of family...harold and i celebrated 6 years of marriage yesterday. we've had our share of 'growing pains' over those years, but we both can say with conviction that we love each other more today than yesterday. and that doesn't come easy all the time. but we've vowed to each other and before God that we would choose to love each other. for better or worse. and that is exactly what we do. we make that decision to honor and serve each other daily. and the lord has blessed that. no luck. no magic. no secrets. simple obedience to love and respect.

and now for some fun {i was beginning to get a little carried away up there so thought i needed to lighten up a bit. it's just harold and i see so many couples struggling un-necessarily when the answer is simple and biblical...lead your heart, don't follow it. the whole 'follow your heart' thing will get you into a world of trouble. just read jeremiah 17:9. okay okay i'll quit now}

back to the fun of my other favorite things about this time of year is getting all the cards from friends and family. we tape them to our pantry door because i want to see them all the time....
georgia and i have started picking one and praying for those people that day. i'm amazed at how good her memory is. of course she knows this little booger, maggie...

and here is her teacher's {Mrs. Yee-sa....i.e. Lisa} kids, Lucas and Claire...

and these little kids she knows quite well ;) ....

do you love getting christmas cards that much? seriously, even if you're reading this and we are strangers, please let's be friends so i can get a card. the more the merrier. we'll pray for you too. can't turn that down right????

and before i leave you, here's a few pictures from georgia's class party on friday.

note to self: never ever send your child to school in a white shirt. no matter how festive or cute she may look. never.

i'm not sure if she had more on her face or plate...

and who in the world brings blackberries to toddlers??? sorry i just had to say it. but seriously, there is no match for a blackberry stain. none. if you know one, do tell. winn had stains too and when i told him that his outfit was getting dirty this is the response i got...

he really seemed to care can't you tell?? :)

so i hope you're enjoying your week. maybe i'll see you again before week's end......

1 comment:

DeDeandMatt said...

WE put our cards up like that too. Matt has made quite a display for us to enjoy.. We did get Your card btw.