Tuesday, February 16, 2010

lookin' like a fool....

wit' ya pants on the ground....

sorry. i just had to. i could hardly wait to get home from our play date to post. i sung that little tune every time i reached to pull her pants up. just because we don't have t.v. doesn't mean we aren't in 'tha know'. one of my friends sent me the youtube link after that guys audition because she knew i'd be all over it. guess i need to shrink those pants of jojo's lest she be the target of some american idol ridicule. and if for some reason you have no idea what i'm talking about, don't feel bad....here's the link:

that's all for now. hope it's warm where you are. it most certainly is not here. brrrrr.


Ford Family said...

hilarious!...now I am going to have that tune in my head for a while! ; )

Julee H. Nappier said...

I bout died laughing when I saw this! Too funny! Love it!

Anonymous said...

how funny.... that is hilarious. love you all, aunt kristie