Monday, August 30, 2010

shame on me & a shout out

right off the bat i'll warn you that this post is random. and on top of that this picture has nothing to do with either of the things discussed. but it makes me smile because i remember that just 10 minutes before this smile she was in MAJOR meltdown mode and devastated that it was time to put on her jammies. i told her that is was night night time and she said that she 'needed her ballerina dress'. i told her she had 5 minutes and then it was jammie time. she made the most of those 5 minutes twirling and carrying on in her tutu {or ballerina dress} and then she happily let me put her pajamas on. and as a result we both smiled until bedtime.

now of greater importance...a shout out. a very special birthday wish we send to grandma today. and although she's a state away we're celebrating and will be having skittles today in her honor. she'll be trilled. happy birthday grandma. muuuuaaaaaaahhhhhh.................

and lastly. the shame on me part. i have a confession. or a problem. it's snacking and diet coke. i'm serious. i love a snack. and i love a diet coke. neither of these would be a problem in itself but they've turned me into a non-water drinking, snacking instead of actually eating, bloated fool. and speaking of birthdays, i have coming in exactly one month. so i'm saying it here {as much as i don't want to and am already having withdrawals} anyway, i'm saying it. until my birthday...

1. i will not snack. 3 meals a day. period.

2. i will not drink a diet coke. period. {this is so hard to type. i 'm starting to sweat}

i'm serious bout this. stay tuned. i'll keep you updated on the progress. and just for fun i'll weigh today so that we both can see how much damage my little habit was causing. i won't weigh again until my birthday. it should be fun to see the difference.

okay, i think i'm done here. and if you're still reading i'm very impressed. we're off to meet georgia's new mother's day out teacher. it starts next week and i'm a little bittersweet. that's a whole other post though. gotta run...


DeAnn said...

i tried to post a note on this earlier today! i said You rock, and you can do this! (and you should bc coke isnt beneficial for the temple - think about shaking up a can and spewing it around the santuary) I so enjoyed the Fox thing and I love you and your little busy hands! ~D

Melissa said...

little hard to break! I wait in anticipation to see the results. By the way, I cried ALL the way home from taking Ella to her first day of 3k today! I understand those feelings all to well. God has heightened my emotions after becoming a mommy!!! Miss yall...lets get together soon!! We are finally all healthy in our house~

Anonymous said...

Good Luck my dear friend! Im pulling for ya.. HOWEVER, Halie and I both thought you looked fabulous on the commercial the other day. You are a beautiful, young mom. Enjoy these days. Be happy! And, I liked reading about what is going on with you..Just saying...Hugs from Auburn!Cindy

islandfairy said...

good luck heather! every single time i write on my blog that i need to control my appetite (im a snack addict too) and that ive got a plan i ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL, cave in and have to eat my words. may you be stronger than me. im sure you are. kisses to georgia.

Harold Goss Jr said...