Thursday, May 29, 2008


we just got back from the doctor and georgia is quite content where she is... no change has been made in over 2 weeks so we're just sitting tight. We did ask at what point induction would happen if she didn't budge and I must admit that I was a little disappointed with the answer. Our original due date was June 18th. It was changed to the 14th after our first ultrasound based on her measurements, BUT for induction purposes they will use the original due date (based on my last period) as a benchmark. Translation: You'll have to go a week past the 18th before we'll induce you. Yikes!!!! That's 3 1/2 weeks away! Maybe she'll come on her own before then but if not we're looking at the week of June 23 - 27 for induction.

As anxious as I am to get her here, I realize that God is enjoying the one on one time He is getting to spend with her and that helps to keep my patience in check. He is gracious enough to allow us to be the ones He entrusts her to, SO I can certainly be kind enough not to wish away any extra days He gets to spend alone with her. This is His child...His business. I am just an amazed spectator from the outside who He's chosen to assist Him in this miracle. What a blessing!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

You could ask him (or her) to strip your membranes next week. That's how we got the lily-bug!Can't wait!